Sunday 23rd 2025f February 2025
Start Measurments
Diamenty Forbes 2020

In this section we are going to publish practical advise concerning the solutions of problems that occure in the measurements of industrial automation.

Beside the presentation of measurement methods, the particular sections will contain the most popular appliances that are used to realise the measurements.

Our company is engaged in many different actions of the industrial automation scope nowadays.

The measurements of the automation that are realised by our company:


Measurement and regulation of temperature

In the industrial systems of temperature measurements you can use two kinds of sensors:
resistance and thermoelectric sensors.

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Measurement and regulation of pressure

The most simple and popular appliances for measurements of pressure are manometers.

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Measurement and regulation of flow

The flow, depending on requirements and conditions, can be measured or signaled.

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Measurement and regulaion of level

The level, depending on requirements and conditions, can be measured or signaled.

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Scale measurement

The scale measurements occure often in the automation systems beacuse of the rquirements of the process.

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Measurements of length and amount

The measurement of length and amount let estimate the production amount and can be used by package of goods.

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Speed measurements

The measurement of rotary speed let estimate the productivity and speed of machines or their mobile parts.

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Physics and chemical measurement

The measurements of humidity, conductivity, pH, turbidity and oxygene.

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Control and GSM

Every automation system bases on the systems that control the processes.

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The pneumatics is a comprehensive group of appliances that let control and use the energy of prestressed air.

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Encoders and proximity

The proximitymeters are such elements, that can be used in automation systems to rectification of the objects.

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Data registration

The registration of physical values, that specify the quality of the product, becomes more and more important while production processes.

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Dotacje na innowację. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków
Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego

CASP System - Twój partner w dziedzinie Badań Nieniszczących i Automatyki Przemysłowej!