Sunday 23rd 2025f February 2025
Start Measurments Pressure
Diamenty Forbes 2020



The most simple and most popular appliances that are applied for presseure measurements are manometers. They assure local indication of the pressure value in accuracy class 1,6.

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Pressure converters


If we want to convert a pressure values into standard analogue signal and to use the signal in measurement and regulating systems, a pressure converter is an elementary appliance. Depending on the requirments of a client and object conditions, you can use intligent, analogue pressure converters or inteligent and analogue converters of the pressure difference.

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The rules of the measurement


A measuring element is a silicon sensor or a tensometer, that are separeted from the medium by the separating diaphragm and manometric liquid. Electronical system is responsible for an amplification of the initial signal. Flooded with the silicon, electronical system is situated in the casing with leakproof level from IP 65 to IP 67, depending on the drop wire that you use.

Assembly recommendations

Becasue of its little size, a pressure converter can be riged directly on the object. When the pressure of the steam or other hot mediums are measured, you should use a siphon or impulse pipe. An implementation of the manometric valve in front of the converter makes the assembling easier, enables a reset or a replacement of the converter when the object works.

For the measurements of the levels and pressures that requires higher chemical immunity (chemical industry) or aseptic realization (nutritive industry), converters have to be equipped with special separators, that are choosed depending on the application


Dotacje na innowację. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków
Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego

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